Moving house is stressful for everyone, not just the adults. Your kids can experience anxiety and stress when they are moving too.
Remember that your kids feel safe and secure in their current home. They may need to change school when they move and also have to make new friends on top of settling into their new home.

Here are some tips to help your family
Make sure you tell your kids about the idea as soon as possible. Tell them as a family so they are included in the process.
Create positive news about a new school, a new home, playgrounds and more.
Remind them who is going too - pets, siblings, treasured items
Make sure to visit the new home town to calm some of those worries that they may have or be going to have.
Consult with your kids about packing their things. Don't just pack everything as chances are you will pack their favourite items. You want your kids to remain with familiar items for as long as possible.
Give them all the new information - Address, school, suburb name, the reason for the move etc.
Involve them in projects for their new home - paint colours and decor items for example.
Some small rewards for helping with the move.
Choose your battles - kids stress may appear as bad behaviour, tantrums, clinginess and more. Remember that all this may be associated with the move and you need to be a little more patient than you otherwise would be.
Stay positive - The happier you are the happier they will be.
Ask the team at John Bull for our moving house checklist, we want to make your move as stress free as possible too.