So moving day is approaching and you have MANY years of "STUFF" to sort through - where do you start! Ideally, you can go room by room, don't try to tackle everything at once and don't forget the outside too. Recycle, donate, sell, upcycle and any other way you can redistribute your unwanted items before you simply drop to the landfill tip.
Bellow is a comprehensive list of items to sell, give away or donate before you start packing, ready to move. If you have the opportunity to have a garage sale this is another way of getting rid of any larger items and getting some cash back. With items like towels and blankets, there are always animal shelters that will be looking for these items.
Clothing will always be accepted by charity's and if you have furniture in good condition they will often come and collect it from you too.

Inside and Outside
Kitchen appliances you haven't used in the last couple of years
Chipped and mismatched dishes
Mismatched knives
Kitchen utensils that you never use or don't know what they are anymore
Old Cookbooks
Broken appliances
The plastic containers that have no lids and the lids without containers
Out of date spices, teas and pantry items
Scraps of wood or timber
Old Paint tins
Old tools
Miscellaneous building or renovating items left over
Gardening supplies
Old Garden Hoses
Excess or damaged furniture items
That draw in your house with everything in it
Garden party decorations
Expired cosmetics
Old samples you planned to use but never did
Old or expired medicine
Shower curtains
Old hair dryers or curlers you no longer use
Any old artwork you no longer love
Those old crusty towels
The fitted sheets that have no elastic
The bed covers that are right at the back of the cupboard not getting used
Extra blankets
Old sewing supplies that just take up space
Bills older than 12 months - unless you have a business then it is 5 years
Old gift wrapping and cards
Craft items that will never be finished
Office supplies that you forgot you had
Books you have read or will never read
Old media that you now have as digital
Office furniture you no longer need
Clothes - an obvious one but anything you haven't worn in the most recent season
Clothing Accessories
Shoes that you no longer love or wear
The mystery items under you bed
Old toys and games that the kids have grown out of
Kids clothes and shoes they have grown out of
Rugs that you won't reuse
Extra suitcases or travel bags you don't use or need
Old school artwork or books that are not needed
Mattresses that may have been kept
Camping gear that never gets used
No doubt there are more we could list and hopefully, this list makes your task a little more efficient too. Don't forget to book John Bull Removals for your next move and if you still have extra items we have a storage facility for you.